Photographer Overview
So, I'm currently a mom of a potty-training 2 year old little lady, Laila. It has its ups and downs, but she is starting to get the hang of it. Some days I want to pull my hair out and runaway for some mommy alone time, but I never get tired of hearing my baby girl tell me that she loves me and that I am beautiful, oh and that I have "a hot booty." I have her daddy to thank for that one. LOL.
When I was pregnant with Laila, the mom gene just kicked in, and I just can't get enough of babies. Newborns. I. LOVE. THEM. Especially the smell of their head. Go ahead, give it a sniff, it smells like God kissed it and sprinkled it with Heaven's scent.
Photographing newborns does not help my baby fever either. I am ready for that 2nd kid. Bring on my own newborn that I don't have to give back after the session, sticky, sweaty skin-to-skin naps, and random gangster hand gestures.