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Spotlight Photographer: Brittany Gidley

1. How did you get started in photography and when did you start your business?


The plan was NOT to start an award winning newborn business.  Yes- you read that right.  The Lord pointed me exactly where he wanted me- then gave me a nudge (okay more of a push... let's be honest... it was a shove) to trust him and step out in faith.  


The plan was NOT to start an award winning newborn business.  Yes- you read that right.  The Lord pointed me exactly where he wanted me- then gave me a nudge (okay more of a push... let's be honest... it was a shove) to trust him and step out in faith. 

In 2011, I was a happy clam working as a registered nurse in the NICU.  I would shoot periodically for a friend's wedding business to make some extra dough on the weekends.  I loved taking care of the most fragile newborns this city could dish up & having a creative outlet with my camera too. 

It wasn't long before that camera went from focusing on brides to focusing on bald babies.  From the very first session- twins- I was hooked.  And apparently so was all of Northeast Ohio...  Pinterest, Twitter & Facebook erupted with love after that first session & then continued to go crazy after every session I produced.  I fell in love with the industry.  And right then and there- Brittany Gidley Photography, LLC was born.


2. Where are you located? Do you have a studio space or do you shoot on-location?


You can find me making fine art out of the newest residents in Cleveland, OH (where the Brittany Gidley Photography studio is located!) & New York City year round!  I do take 3 weeks out of the year & serve the Hawaiian Islands as well. 


3. What do you shoot with and what are your favorite lenses?



If I was stuck on a deserted island and could only have 2 pieces of equipment with me- there's no question what I'd take.  1.  'Big Bertha'- my trusty, fabulous Canon 5D Mark III & her sidekick the Canon 35mm 1.4 L.  With those 2 in my hand I'm a Picasso- BUT I can't cook- at all.  So if I could bring 3 pieces of equipment I would bring my iPhone & order some carry out to the island too!


4. Why newborn photography? Do you photograph anything besides newborns?



With my experience as a registered nurse in the NICU- I think it's safe to say I have always been enamored with newborns.  I love their smell, I love their squish, I love their sounds.  It is such a privilege to capture the beginning of somebody's life and I don't take that for granted.

Brittany Gidley Photography specializes in birth, newborn, baby, child & family photography.  


5. How would you describe your style and where do you find your inspiration?



My style is fun, fresh and full of love.  I have amazing clients.  I could go on for days about how much I lovey love love my clients- truly.  But back to the question- once they have met their new baby we talk about the style that they foresee for the new little person that made it safely into the world. 

If I had to identify where my inspiration comes from- it really, truly is from this new life.  If the family loves color- we do color in a new and unexpected way.  If the family loves neutrals- we keep it neutral with a fantastic twist on a typical pose.  It's really important to me that the focus is always on the baby and not on the fabrics, wraps or props that we are using.



6. Have you taken any photography workshops and/or training?


I am completely self-taught.  I've got a handful of newborn workshops on the wish list that I hope to make time for in 2015 (Pinkletoes!, Kelly Brown!, Keri Meyers!).


7. Where do you like to shop for your props? Do you have favorite vendors?


I love etsy (who doesn't) & I am always picking up new fabrics, wraps and props when I travel to interesting places in the world!

My absolute faves are:

The Appleseed Boutique 

Cheeky Charlee's Boutique 

Fairy Glamorous Designs 

Sleepy Shimmer 


8. Please share with us your top 5 favorite images! Why are they your favorites?


This image encapsulates the beginning of a bond that will last a lifetime between Luke & Noah.  I love their creamy skin against the chocolate textured backdrop & especially love how innocent and perfect this pose is for them.

Our signature pose!  This image of Marin is special to me because she is the little sister of the very first newborn I have ever shot.  To see the growth between their sessions was humbling and incredible.  The soft pinks really brought out a feminine touch without going overboard.

This image makes me smile because Patrick was my most difficult newborn to date.  He was quite unhappy about the whole process- that is- until the last 10 minutes (thankfully!!!).  That's when this happened.  To this day, he is a total bookworm and his dad tells me this shot is why!

This image of Gavin is one of my absolute favorites because, although we used props, the focus is completely on him.  I also think it's a killer pose.  The soft blue makes him stand out with just the right amount of blanket fade (thanks to shooting wide open).

This highly decorated serviceman was deployed & had arrived back in Cleveland just in the nick of time for his daughter, Mathilda, to be born.  They were only here a few days, but in that time I was able to fit them in for a newborn session.  The white 'backdrop' is actually a big huge window that is overexposed!


9. What are three things you wish someone would have told you when starting out?



1. Don't be afraid to be yourself- your clients will love you for it.

2. Understand your value- charge accordingly.  It's higher than you think.

3. 10% of clients will give you 90% of your problems.  Only accept clients who are a good fit for you.



10. What is your photography site and url?


Blog  |   Facebook  |  NBP Profile 



11. What are your favorite things about


I love the community and support of such talented newborn photographers that provides.  I have been a member for just over a year now and can't say enough about the incredible friends that I have made in the industry through it!


12. Lastly, tell us about YOU! Who are you, other than a photographer?


I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  Every click of my shutter is for God’s glory- not my own.  I started this business to be able to bless others & will always keep it that way.

I have 3 furbabies- 2 cats & 1 dog and one not so furry baby- a turtle.  All rescues!  Along with my super supportive hubby- we are known as Team Gidley.

I am a proud aunt to 5 lovies who are all under 2!  I never have a model shortage with them around!

My background is in neonatology.  I am extremely experienced in caring for the sickest of babies!

Although I serve NYC and Hawaii too, Cleveland is my home.  And it's my favorite place in the world!

I'm a hugger.

I kiss babies.


Would you like to be our next Spotlight Photographer? E-mail us at with the subject “Spotlight Photographer.” We look forward to featuring you!