1. How did you get started in
photography and when did you start your business?
Honestly, this sounds so
cliché, but my love for photography started when I was
young. I used to set up photoshoots with my friends and we would use
roll after roll of film playing around with different setups and
wardrobes! But my love really grew after I had my own
children. All of a sudden I had models right in front of me
constantly and I couldn't bear to miss a single detail of them growing
up! When I was pregnant with our third daughter, my husband bought me
my first DSLR, the original canon 5d, and I fell in love. I couldn't
believe the creative abilities I suddenly had before me! I took my
kids out all the time and did photo shoots for my family and friends and
learned a lot of post processing techniques as I spent countless late nights on
blogs, utube, you name it. I couldn't stop learning. I knew
I was hooked. So in the fall of 2010 I started portfolio building and
opened up for business shortly after. I knew immediately that my love
was with newborns, and the journey began!
2. Where are you located? Do you have a
studio space or do you shoot on-location?
I am located in Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. I have a studio in my basement for all newborn and baby
sessions. I do outdoor evening sessions in the fall for
3. What do you shoot with and what are
your favorite lenses?
I currently shoot with a canon 5d mark
III and my favourite lens is my 100mm 2.8L, but I use my 50mm 1.4 the most
often because it is more versatile for newborns. I have the 35mm 1.4L
on my wishlist.
4. What drew you to newborn
photography? Do you photograph anything besides newborns?
I can't even explain how much I love
the newborn stage. I always tell my husband that I wish we could just
always have a newborn around without having them grow up!
Haha. Having had 4 babies myself I know how precious those first few
days/weeks of life are and how fast they grow and change, and I love being able
to capture those little features! They are just so fresh from heaven
and pure and I can't get enough ;)
5. How would you describe your style of
photography and where do you find your inspiration?
I would say it is natural, pure and
simple. I started out trying a lot of different props and styles but
it comes down to the simple shots that are always my favourite. My
style is always evolving and changing as I continue to grow as a photographer,
but I just love a simple shot of baby laying on a textured blanket on my
beanbag. I love texture. Natural fibers, lace, ruffles,
cable knits, pretty headbands, furs, they all inspire me!
There are also a lot of photographers
that I follow on facebook or in forums who that inspire me. To name a few: Meg
Bitton, Keri Meyers, Robin Long, Laura Brett, Tamsen Donker (Creative clicks)
Shelly Ferguson, Baby as Art.... All for different reasons.
They each have their own unique styles that really speak to me!
6. Have you taken any photography
workshops and/or training?
Yes! I am always learning, it's
an addiction! Like I said earlier, a lot of what I learn is
from forums and online training courses, YouTuube, blogs etc. as well as A LOT
of practice!!! But I have been to 3 amazing newborn workshops that I
feel so lucky to have attended and learned so much from! Robin Long
in 2012, and Keri Meyers and Laura Brett in 2013! I am also doing an
online editing course with Meg Bitton next month and can't wait!
7. Where do you like to shop for your
props? Do you have favorite vendors?
I buy props from so many different
vendors I can't even nail them all down! A few favourites whose style
I love are JD vintage props (for my furs and floaktis, devoted knits, roses and
ruffles for fabric, Mr. and Mrs. and co, Home Sense, and I make a lot of my own
headbands as well! For maternity I bought some lovely gowns from
8. Please share with us your top 5 favorite
images! Why are they your favorites?
My favourites change all the time but
these are my current favourites, next month I will likely have new favourites
I just love texture, colour pop and
sweet innocence of the pose.
What's not to love! It's
Christmas! I think this image is so dear to me because it took a full
half an hour to get this shot! It was the end of his session and mom
asked for a shot in my sleigh. He had been so good his whole session
but started to be fidgety and unsettled. We pushed through and it ended up
being perfect. His little fingers wrapped around his little chin so
perfectly in Santa's sleigh. I just love it.
A mother's love for her newborn baby
speaks right to my heart. I loved loved loved those first days with
each of my 4 babies! Their smell, the little noises they made, their
complete dependence, were all the things I cherished and can never forget, I
love capturing mom's with their new loves :)
There is just something about
newborn back rolls that I can't resist! Plus I love the textures of
the blankets he is on. His face just looks so peaceful.
Can I sneak in a maternity
shot? I love this one! The window light glowing on her
perfect skin, the anticipation of the new baby coming. I wish I had
photos from when I was pregnant with each of my babies, that's one thing I
regret, so I love giving this gift to other moms to be!
9. What are three things you wish
someone would have told you when you started your photography
- Buy portraiture. I have
wasted so much time on other skin softening actions and I wish I had known
about portraiture all along, it is so quick and easy and makes everyone's skin
look amazing!
- Don't buy every prop you
see. Newborn photography is an expensive business! It is
important to remember that this is a BUSINESS and business expenses should be
limited if you want to make any money! I have bought so many
props/blankets/hats etc that I still haven't even used. I have
defined a certain style now and a lot of what I bought in the past didn't
really fit with my style/brand. Be selective and try to find
different uses for the same prop/fabric to create diversity.
- Join forums online and make friends
with other photographers! I have recently started focusing a lot more
on this and am learning and growing so much faster just by sharing and seeing
what has worked for others. There is so much talent out there
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